Thursday, April 08, 2010


Its been almost a month when I stopped pumping/expressing my breastmilk... No, I haven't stopped breastfeeding - we are still on it and with J showing no signs of stopping or weaning. Yay!

But he weaned early from drinking expressed breastmilk. Around November last year, J just stopped. Just like that. As his previous yaya (yep, bye-bye to first yaya of two years... Nearly broke my heart!) said on the first day he didn't drink his usual breastmilk on the cup, "its as if he wanted to puke when he leaned the cup to his mouth and smelled the milk, and not even tasting it." I got worried, I thought she was giving him a spoiled bmilk. But when we checked the date, it was still ok, so with the smell and consistency. J's previous yaya, for having done thawing and preparing bmik for J for almost two years, she has mastered checking if the milk is right or not, of course, with my assistance and constant information sharing (don't want to call it "lecture" hehe!). It made us wonder if its really the milk. But J has not stopped breastfeeding directly but doesn't like the expressed bmilk. Hmmm... I was in denial at first that maybe J was already weaning from expressed bmilk - it was almost like having a heart break, no joke. So I told yaya1, to try giving expressed bmilk again the next day but still got the same reaction. I wasn't giving up, i told yaya1 again to give him milk the next day and use the milk expressed just the day before that. I was thinking, maybe J wants fresh. But to no avail...

I still didn't give up... Told yaya1 to hold giving bmilk and proceed a
week after - thought maybe J is still in trauma from getting his fingers burned. 

J's burned finger

What happened? Read the story here.

Oh well, a week after, J still didn't drink his milk. Gave up?
Almost... I was also getting worried that J may not have enough source of calcium. I thought of giving him fresh milk, but he didn't like it.

Sigh! I texted my breastfeeding friends and doctors to ask about J's situation... I know, I could be stubborn. Hee! Hee! They told me its normal and as long as I continue to pump to maintain lactation, direct breastfeed J more often (ayayay!) and give other sources of calcium, everything will be ok. That's it! White flag is up for you, J!

So i pumped and pumped and pumped... Till our freezer swelled with

Breastmilk in fridge - hoping for J to consume
(already donated the other half of this stack)

I donated to a hospital, to mothers with decreasing supply and to a mother of triplets. Twas rewarding... At the same time, happy that J still enjoys mommy's milk.

Before J turned two, I was able to talk to moms who breastfed and are
breastfeeding toddlers, I asked how long they pumped/expressed their milk or how long are they planning to express their bmilk. Most of them shared that they parked their pump at their baby's second year and some plan to stop pumping or breastfeeding altogether at the same year (2years) - that I don't think I am doing at all... That gave me a lot of thinking.... Me? Stop pumping (but not breastfeeding)? What if my milk will not be enough for my growing and wriggly toddler? So I did what every mom would do.... I read and read and talked to some more moms to draw out experiences and inspirations... And so I learned that it is just enough, that the kid's source of nutrition is not just the milk but also the food that he eats. Sigh! I know that... Maybe, I was just in denial again or rather had signs of separation anxiety already. I know, its funny, separation anxiety from pumping? Haha! What have I been thinking? Here's the real thing... So you know, I have built a reference to my pumping sessions... They are my holy hour minutes. As a work-out-of-home mom, I feel that my pumping sessions is my way of being connected to my son even we are not physically together. I feel it is something I have to do and feel responsible to. And for the life of me, to have been doing this for almost two years, its like breaking up with your first love. HARD. Period. (And proud to say that I just used a manual handpump - not the electric one... Patience is a virtue! I've got an electric when J was almost 1 year but I never got the groove with it so I went back to my good ol' pump - my breasts' bestfriend. Haha!)

Happy 2nd birthday, J!

So did I stop on J's second birthday? I can't. I chose not to, just yet... It was like braving a storm, no, a hurricane. Yeah, I can  be dramatic and exaggerating. It's my second nature. Just joking. I decided to stop on his 25th month instead...

So did i stop then? Nope... I have a problem with letting go...

I stopped the next day...

Some moms would say "freedom" - for me, "it was like heart break, a split up" *sad, sad* (but I did say freedom
too - after several days or so - thanks to tons of work, made me somehow forget about it a little). Why freedom? Some moms feel that having the "holy minutes" for milk expression has made them tied down to doing some other things but have no other choice since it is something they can bring home to their babies - breastmilk. But some moms don't think it's a hassle at all.

Days or almost a month before I finally decided to stop pumping bmilk,
I also reduced my sessions to one. So could you imagine how i really programmed myself to gradually stop? I eased my way out. I don't want to stop abruptly... Its too painful (physically and emotionally). I know some moms will agree to this testimony.

Liberating is one word I have used and described when people learn
that I have stopped expressing bmilk. It's like superficial every time I say that - I still have the grips - but I keep on saying the word so I can finally digest it and really let go. I am learning.

Do you have a liberating story?

ps. J has yaya number 2 already =) 

Tuesday, April 06, 2010

My passion and commitment

Like my second post to this blog, the following blog is taken from my multiply site and I would also like to share it with you. This was written when J was still a baby and it is about my early months of breastfeeding. Yes, this is my passion and commitment. I can proudly say that breastfeeding my son has been one of my greatest achievements - and we are still up to it - near 26 months and more months to come (ayayay!) But I am enjoying it (have even pictures breastfeeding in public in my FB page - yes, breastfeeding by demand, anytime, anywhere!). But mind you, breastfeeding a baby and breastfeeding a toddler is WAAAYYY different. And I know toddler breastfeeding moms can attest to that. Would post about it next time =)

Here is the blog:

Before I gave birth to Joaquin, I had myself committed to breastfeed. As a nutritionist, I know that it is the best thing I can give to Joaquin after taking good care of him in my womb. Luckily at the time of my pregnancy, our agency has been training government workers on breastfeeding and complementary feeding. I was able to attend the Training of Trainers on Infant and Young Child Feeding when I was six-months pregnant. It was enlightening because it gave me an overview of what I will expect when I will breastfeed my son.

After which, I was really decided to exclusively breastfeed my son…

When I gave birth to Joaquin on 8 February 2008, I was excited to see him and breastfeed him. Little did I know, a test was going to drive me to the brink of post-partum depression.

My mom at first honored and supported me in breastfeeding Joaquin when he came out. I breastfed him during his first days at the hospital, even without or little sleep from an overnight labor (I gave birth to Joaquin at 9:42 AM). But my mom, not well informed of the benefits and common problems encountered with breastfeeding, she was bugging me that Joaquin may not get enough milk from me since he was constantly crying in his first days. I was not letting her get into my nerves (hehe! Sorry mom!) because I knew stress would inhibit my milk flow. She was constantly bugging me that she can’t see milk in Joaquin’s mouth and even from my nipple. Little did she know that the colostrum can be thick in consistency and would not really flow like the mature milk. When we got home from the hospital, I resumed to my normal diet (since I know that I can eat anything even when I’m nursing). My mom again told me not to eat this and that. Well, I just let her talk. Hehe!

February 11 – Joaquin got fever, I panicked. We called his pediatrician, he made me calm down and gave instructions what to do. Joaquin’s fever subsided but spiked midnight.

February 12 – Early morning, I was panicking because Joaquin was not getting any better, his temperature even reached 38.5. We brought him to the Emergency Room of the Makati Medical Center. He was admitted. The doctors told us to stay calm and they will try to find out why he has fever. They interviewed me and I gave all details I know to be sure that doctors can trace why my son is having fever spikes. Their suspect at that time was sepsis infection because I had UTI on my 8th month, most likely, it is.

My mom was worried sick too. But that also gave her the idea that my breastmilk may have problem because I ate mangoes and drank fruit juice the night before. She told me to ask the doctor about my breastmilk, if its okay and it might have contributed to Joaquin’s fever. But I know it’s not the problem. Hayyyy! Talk about pressure and stress…

During Joaquin’s confinement, my mom would sometimes give information to the doctors coming in aside from the details coming from me. From my mom’s blah blah, she told the doctors that Joaquin may not be getting enough milk from me because he always cry. The doctors then said that he may be dehydrated because he may not be getting any milk from me. But they were not concluding anything because as they said “it’s hard to conclude because our patient is just an infant and can’t tell what’s hurting him.”

After that, my mom scolded me and told me that Joaquin may be hungry already and must be given formula milk. I didn’t want to but they were really pushing me to call the doctor to prescribe formula milk for Joaquin. Even my husband (who is supposed to support me) and my father were up to it because they were worried for Joaquin. I understand their position but I know, I know better. I cried a lot after that because I felt I lost a BIG battle. While they were preparing the milk for Joaquin, I wasn’t the one who gave it to him because I was crying at the corner of our hospital room. I can’t imagine my son taking other milk but mine.

My mom though comforted me that I can resume breastfeeding Joaquin if and when my milk will start to flow. (Not many know that breastmilk will flow if baby suckles frequently from the mother’s breast. During our stay in the hospital, I would still insist breastfeeding him but when they hear him cry, they give additional milk from the bottle which pains me a lot. At that time too, one of my breasts bled – adding up more to my stress – I was becoming hopeless in my trying to breastfeed Joaquin). What I did, I just gave him the other breast and my mom told me to let the other breast heal before resuming. She also suggested that I pump the other breast. I had roller coaster emotions during our hospital stay and it was one of my hardest and darkest moments of my life. I felt I was incapable. When I was breastfeeding Joaquin during his admission, they would give him the bottle in his next feed. It was very hard for me. But for the people around me, they thought it was just normal…

For 2 and ¾ months, Joaquin was on mixed feeding, but I breastfeed him most of the time and every chance I get. My mom would always say, “you are bounded with that and will make you do nothing else but just feeding your son.” I just ignored it and breastfed Joaquin on demand. I also instructed and told our yaya on my goal to breastfeed Joaquin. If I’m home during my maternity leave I breastfeed Joaquin, when I go out, since I wasn’t able to pump in between feedings (haven’t mastered breastfeeding…), he takes the formula. I count every bottle he takes, the least possible bottlefeed, the better.

Now I’m back to work, I express milk in the office three times a day. During my first weeks back to the office, of the 4-5 feedings Joaquin have, 3 of which are breastmilk. The rest is formula… But as I get to master and getting used to breastfeeding, I now also express milk early in the morning to complete 4 feedings for Joaquin and even during weekends. Our yaya and I have made a routine to update each other with Joaquin’s feeding time. I call her before going home from office so that she will not thaw the 5th extra breastmilk stored in our freezer and that Joaquin’s next feeding will be with me. Talk about love and sacrifice.

Before Joaquin turned 3 months, I made a decision that I will and I CAN breastfeed Joaquin exclusively in the next 3 months. With prayers, sacrifice and determination, I am exclusively breastfeeding Joaquin eversince. It’s been a month and a week and I’m determined to do it till he’s six months and continue breastfeeding him until he is 2 years old and even beyond.

It has become my passion and commitment to breastfeed Joaquin. And thank God I have now my husband’s and my family’s support. Thank God… I pray that He empowers me and give me all the strength I need in my passion and commitment. And soon or even now, I would love to help pregnant women and mothers to prepare and breastfeed their babies. I want to inspire and be inspired.

Breastfeeding at pedia's clinic (waiting in line)

J at six months

 Happy little man!

I am blessed with breastfeeding J. I did not experience severe problems nor super biting baby (oh yeah, he does bite but rarely and just like testing it - i just give him the "look"). Haha! I am thankful that aside from my family, my work and workmates were very supportive. With the environment I have, I was and I am able to continue and sustain breastfeeding J. Thank you so much for all the support and help.

As I've said, breastfeeding has become one of my passions... Surely, you will read more posts on breastfeeding in the future. Our journey to breastfeeding has not been that easy but being determined and supported by people around me meant and helped a lot.

J, near 26 months

Isn't he a cutie? (yeah, stage mom here)

For other moms out there, trying to figure out breastfeeding and even after the exclusive 6 months breastfeeding- I am here to help. 

Do you have your own breastfeeding story?

Monday, April 05, 2010


T and I went to grocery just before lunch the other day. Our househelp listed out things that we need to buy, i told her to do that every week so I'll know what needs to be replenished - she has been religiously doing it so. Being at home, i know she can keep  track of our supplies which I also double check. (This was not the practice of our previous househelp then, she would only tell me that we need to buy "this" and "that" when its literally "ubos na". I would tell her over that she needs to let me know in advance because i may not keep track of some things at some times.)

Before T and I headed for home, we went around the mall to check some things out,  whatever comes across our minds... We have our own agenda, ayayay! He went on looking for sneakers, rubber shoes and shorts... I went on looking for blouses, bags and shoes (what else could be in every woman's list! yay!). Then went to the hardware, wishing things we will buy when we will have our own house.

Just purely window shopping....

Then we went to this shop which sells bags, shoes and other stuff - and since i am really looking for new shoes, i saw one  two, that really got me giddy in trying it on. The Simply VW fits me perfectly! Oh my! I can hear the cash register *ka-shing! ka-shing!* Haha! We also eyed on a RL sneakers for T. Super nice...

Oh well, we didnt buy them just yet ;)

We got buko halo-halo and buko mais instead... hee hee! Got hungry in the process of window shopping, it always happens to us. I was waiting for my halo-halo while making this post... 

And here's my halo-halo (got hungry with window shopping haha!)

Here's T's buko mais...


The white thingy is his spoon, whisking out the buko mais...

We tried not to talk about what we saw in the shop... We talked instead about the movie "Blind Side" we saw on DVD the other day... Nice movie...

Then off to salon after... Ü

I love doing this with T... typical date but enjoyable and enriching... We are nearing our 3rd year of marriage... Hmmm... Does he have something in store for me? I am seriously crossing my fingers. Haha! 

This is one of the typical dates T and I have... How is your typical date with your partners? Care to share?

Saturday, April 03, 2010

Kate of Project Blog by Kate - ME, Mommy Kate

This was posted as intro in my multiply site, an inspiration from blogs that I have read. I have also posted this is my facebook account but ended up posting less cause it has character limit.

I wrote this way back 2008 and as I post this in my project blog, I have updated, edited some using different font color but still maintaining the original one in black font. And as I was reading it through to update, I can’t help but smile and laugh at some items. Truly how one change over time… I really believe that “CHANGE is the only CONSTANT thing in this world”.

In this project blog, as I pointed out in my first post, I will share with you my life... my thoughts... my becoming of a wife, my becoming a mother and a parent... my becoming of my own self... Know me more...

103 116 things about me and counting...

1. I am left-handed but dominantly right-handed in almost other things
2. I am first born (Do I act like one? Yay! Lemme ask my sibs)
3. I am an Ilocana – born and raised in Laoag City – but have been living in Manila since 1997 - but thinking and rethinking of moving back and live the provincial life *wink*
4. But I usually go home to Laoag to take a “breather” (when I was still in school)
5. I was an achiever and an honor student in my schooldays (yay! pressure…)
6. I am a Registered Nutritionist-Dietitian – but sometimes I don’t watch what I eat (teehee! Guilty as Charged)
7. But I do intend to live a healthy lifestyle now for my son and my family
8. I am married and love my husband and son dearly!
10. I think my son is adorable! He looks like me. (Hah! I am gwapo if I happen to be a man haha! Stage mom here!)
11. I have the same birth date with my husband
12. I don’t cook but I love cooking pasta during special occasions (but not doing it lately – too lazy… I can buy though yay!)
13. I love traveling – though I haven’t gone outside the Philippines (oh, would love to do that!) - and I do have a list where I want to go!
14. I don’t like eating sushi and sashimi but I do eat kinilaw – ilocano version
15. I am amazed at the Chocolate Hills in Bohol (and love to go back there again)
16. I would love to go to Palawan, Camiguin and Davao
17. I am compulsive buyer – if I have moolah!
18. I love window shopping
19. I love browsing thru multiply and online stores
20. I am getting hooked with online shopping and window shopping – most especially for my son (but now am starting to shop for moi!)
21. And since I don’t frequent mall now, I resort to online shopping (Teehee! Excuses!) - I love going to malls now that my son is bigger, it’s his playground! And I can do my window shopping (again!)
22. Most of the things I bought online are baby things and cloths - and bags and shoes (for me! Fetish!)
23. I love browsing just about anything in the internet
24. I am talkative – but I do get my quiet times – sometimes…
25. I love singing and dancing – now I get to use them with my baby when putting him to sleep and entertaining him (when he starts getting fussy) - with increased levels of performance now since I have to be animated when playing with my toddler (geesh!)
26. I am a frustrated band singer (haha!)
27. I enjoy videoke!!! (Show time!)
28. I love breastfeeding my baby - and we are almost 26 months and still counting!
29. And I love the time we spend together – love love the bonding!
30. I’ve learned to do other things while breastfeeding my baby (you’ll be surprised!)
31. I’ve also learned other things to do while expressing my milk in the office… - just got liberated from milk expression! Yey! But the experience was all WORTH it!
32. I love babywearing – I feel close to my baby when I do this – and I would like to become advocate on this - I don’t wear my baby anymore cause he’s big already, but I still want to continue to advocate for it
33. I wish more moms will wear their babies.
34. I believe in attachment parenting.
35. I was able to climb a mountain – but I don’t know if I will do it again
36. I am afraid of snakes – even the sight of it makes me creep - yes, even if it is just in the television
37. I love reading books – when I have the luxury of time; but I really love books!
38. I love writing articles – when I have the luxury of time (oh, I would love to stretch time so I can do all these things)
39. I had a notebook of poems when I was in high school (sort of dedicated to someone haha! I purposely lost the notebook)
40. I love watching movies – I can go on all day watching! =)
41. I can watch TV all day long too! But I have to learn now not to spend so much time watching TV so my son will not grow with it - still trying to learn but have moderated it (somehow)
42. But I like watching PBA live than in the television
43. I love bowling
44. I don’t like watching war movies – and I hate it when my husband watch one in my presence (hehe!)
45. I honestly believe when I was a kid that babies come from a factory (really!)
46. I read Nancy Drew when I was in my grade school – and wished to become a detective after it
47. I read almost all Sidney Sheldon’s novel when I was in high school
48. And like anyone dreaming for their own life’s romance, I got hooked reading novels by Judith McNaught, and Julie Garwood and the likes when I was in college
49. I loved reading love stories of dukes and duchess then… anything royalty
50. I sipped raw native eggs when I was a kid (Eeeww… I don’t know why I did that) - and now I recall, not just native ones, even the white ones…
51. I sneaked out of the house when I was a kid just to join my friends to play and do some other things… and stay late at night (my bad!) – imagine, climbing off the wall and the house just to get inside unnoticed
52. I had a puppy love and was certainly head over heels about him – now, I can say I have outgrew it (ahem…)
53. I married my first boyfriend – and love him dearly
54. I loved Biochemistry when I was in college - even though others were silently cursing it
55. I loved role playing when I was a kid
56. I would love to become a Stay-At-Home Mom or a Work-At-Home Mom (I wish!)
57. I would like to become a breastfeeding advocate and counselor - I am now!!! Happy!
58. I am a member of The Breastfeeding Club and would love to become part of other breastfeeding groups
59. I love watching billboards along EDSA and South Super Highway (its like watching TV, hehe!)
60. I am guilty for procrastinating on several things (oh, almost…)
61. But if I REALLY like something or love what I am doing – procrastinating is out of the question
62. I don’t like putting on make-up (call it laziness hehe!) – started when I got pregnant and I thought I would start putting on again after giving birth – but never really did =p (oh well, am starting again… yay!) - putting on make–up now, yes! but usually don’t do retouch…
63. But I would love to try and learn how to put make up – really a good make-up
64. I love shoes and bags!!! Its some-kind-of-a-fetish (but when I became a mom – diaper bags and nursing blouses!) Teeeheee! (restraining myself!) - now I am back to shoes and bags!!! Urgh!
65. I never really had a serious “beautification” routine… too lazy to do it (oh wait, had one but never really lasted haha! Just because I was preparing for my wedding, that’s it!) - have three steps now, improvement teehee! Three steps: wash, toner, moisturize
66. I appreciated my mom more and love her even more when I became a mother
67. I love the beach! Who cares if I get scorched under the sun hehe! - even with the skin tone I have
68. But I never really learned how to swim (yay!)
69. I don’t know how to drive (my dad did not teach me; afraid I will take the car out and bump it somewhere) - but I really would love to learn how
70. I would love to start a business – but haven’t decided what
71. I am sort of fickle-minded =p
72. I love walking, walking, walking! (but please not in heels or else I will freak out)
73. I thought then that one of my bestfriends is an angel (promise! I was like in my teens at that time)
74. I love watching news, and Bubble Gang Banana Split, Disney Playhouse (don’t ask), National Geographic, Discovery Channel (cause it’s what my husband usually watch) and teleseryes!!! Haha!
75. I love pizza and pasta… I usually go to Sbarro, Pizzeria, Piadina (latest discovery, Ponzo’s in Magallanes! You should try!)
76. I love going to Enchanted Kingdom, Star City, and the likes =p
77. I’m afraid to try slides in pools – since I don’t know how to swim
78. But I loved the slides in Splash Island when I went there in 1997 – what? They’ve got “salbabidas” for heaven’s sake, and the water was shallow – now who’s afraid haha! (teehee!) - wait, is Splash still open?
79. I love Boracay! (haha! Feeling! Been there once pa lang haha!) - and Bohol!
80. I would love to go to Amanpulo  - and Santorini and the list goes on…
81. I’m afraid to try the banana boat (chicken!)
82. I hate watching horror movies
83. I have hard time sleeping after watching those kinds of movies
84. I’d rather join Big Brother than be a part of Survivor or Fear Factor (ahehe!) - chicken!
85. I would love to start a blog site… really would love to have one… - and working on it now! Yay! *clap, clap*
86. I grew up with books; I had a volume of Dr. Seuss books then. Don’t know where my mom put it. (Gone with the wind! Haha!)
87. I love watching concerts (well, I’m on leave for those just yet… motherhood becomes me. Teehee!) - and I am back in the game!!! I can go out for longer hours already. YAY! Though, I chose what type of concerts to see =)
88. I love going through the baby section of SM and Rustan’s (hehe!) and Babyland (my husband too!) - that was when I was pregnant and my baby was still young but we still go there but more often now in appliance and home section (wishing!!!)
89. I’m still wondering what my life would have become if I didn’t get marry early (wait, is 26 early already?)
90. But I love my life now – a wife and a mom! Wouldn’t trade it for other… (oh well, still wondering about #89 haha! Just a thought, it wouldn’t hurt ei? ;)
91. I love reading the newspaper – first, the headline; next, entertainment haha!
92. I want to have a whole new wardrobe, new sets of sandals and shoes! (Huh! Wishful thinking!)
93. If I want to buy something, I think about it 10 times over if I really need it and if it’s worth it – then buy it eventually haha!
94. I’m getting good at making PowerPoint presentations (don’t ask why)
95. I love texting…
96. And at one point, I got addicted using my mobile phone in browsing the internet (Boy! My phone bill suffered!)
97. I got addicted to Friendster but got over it eventually… (or more like because I don’t have my own internet connection hehe! – got lazy to go to internet cafe) - and now with facebook and twitter… sweesh! All the technology now… I even have smartphones so I can use wifi anywhere haha!
98. I got stretch marks when I was pregnant…
99. I gave my two-piece swimsuits to my sis since I refuse to use them now because of my stretch marks … buuhhuu! But I’ll still use swimsuits which will cover those priceless marks! Teehhee!
100. I drink milk every morning and rarely drink coffee (should be with lots of creamer!)… only during meetings where milk is not usually served. - am getting back with lots of coffee now teehee! and choco drink =)
101. I would love to have my own house and car (who does not?!) - and a beach house, house in Tagaytay, and so the list goes on… ;)
102. I thank God for email and internet!
103. I would love to become more adventurous with dressing up… (literally, from head to toe!)

And here’s an addition to my list…
104. I want to become tech-savvy or at least semi =)
105.  I want to be good in internet – I just know the “simple” things
106. I get so bad with juggling things sometimes…
107. I love watching my toddler play… its crazy and fun!
108. I love it when he talks, I think he has lisp… but I hope he outgrows it (do you outgrow such?)
109. Loving twitter now…
110. I still don’t get why T so loves to watch UFC and boxing… or do men really like these kinds?
111. A wishlist is currently working on my mind (and I refuse to write about it yet) and am planning to have a post on it
112. Reading blogs of “some” people have inspired and are inspiring me now with how my blog will go (am keeping my fingers crossed)
113. I want would love to go to Disneyland =p
114. I want to travel around the world!
115. I want to have lots and lots of accessories… I am dreaming of charmed bracelets, layered or charmed necklaces, bangles, earrings… ok I am stopping now… =p
116. I know I have more to discover for myself…

If anyone's reading this, how about introducing yourself? i want to know the people who will read or just happen to read my blog =) would love to get to know you...


ps. have not done with the links (highlighted words) yet -- have partially done actually and i pressed on to something and poof! the post i was working on for more than an hour is gone! urgh! and double urgh! oh well... sigh! will work on it tomorrow, i guess...

pps. (update) done with links but cant get some of the highlights out, don't know why. i placed highlights before to note myself that i should put a link on it...

update: I have changed my blog's name to Mommy Kate blogs. Most of my posts are mommy-related, hence, change of name. hope you, dear readers continue to be with me as I journey through life, as a mom, as a wife and as a woman. thank you!

xoxo, mommy kate